
Ganging up on the Jew

Even as Labour Party stalwarts make nice sounding noises regarding antisemitism on Twitter and elsewhere they all start ganging up on Alan Sugar over a tweet of his.

There’s something profoundly unsettling about listening to these people tweet about the evils of antisemitism and then start attacking a rich Jew.

And of course Chris Williamson has the temerity to say Alan sugar is bringing his position into disrepute after sharing a platform with Jackie Walker and arguing that antisemitism is being used as a weapon to attack Corbyn;

Despite making general statements about how unacceptable antisemitism is I’ve not seen anything directed at a specific antisemitic comment on Twitter from a Labour member or anyone else, with a request to remove it.

To see John McDonnell, Chris Williamson and Owen Jones all complain directly about Alan Sugar is disappointing. It shows how far these people will go to protect Corbyn and how weak they really are when it comes to dealing with antisemitism.

I suspect that the irony of them attacking a rich Jew for lampooning Jeremy Corbyn and comparing him to the world’s most infamous antisemite is entirely lost on them, which shows once again just how little attention we should be paying to any of them when it comes to the issue.

It appears Sugar has now deleted his tweet. We had retweeted it but it’s gone now. We have reproduced it below, Sugar said in his tweet “Many a true word spoken in jest Corbyn”;

If only Corbyn et al reacted so swiftly to criticism.