Britain Today

MEND and “Subliminal Islamophobia”

Stirring up anger and division is a core mission for an Islamist agitation outfit. Even if you have to make things up. Is the story absurd? Yes, so let’s run with it!

The MEND crew are adept in this trade. Have a look at this tweet from MEND activist Siema Iqbal. She wants to call The Guardian to account for a “sly” and “low” bit of “subliminal Islamophobia”. In some sports coverage mentioning two Muslim footballers. No, really.

People like tweeter Saddique object. Iqbal is having none of it. And MEND’s CEO, Shazad Amin, steps in to back her.

Indeed, Mr Amin has form in the “subliminal” area. Look at his indignation about a presentation slide from the government’s counter-terrorist team at OSCT. It features a picture of Muslims praying in the street after the Finsbury Park terrorist attack. It is plainly intended to show victims of terror, like the shocked woman leaving the scene of the Manchester attack, who can also be seen in the slide. But not for Dr Amin, oh no.

James Muncie from OSCT talking about #Prevent shows pic of people praying under title ‘terrorist threat to the UK’ #RCPsychIC #subliminal

Then Amin added this observation:

Good example of how controlling visual narrative can subtly influence perceptions of ‘religious’ Muslims as dangerous

Rubbish. The OSCT’s job is to keep all of us safe, including religious Muslims. That’s the point.

This is obviously silly. But it is also important. An Islamist group claiming that The Guardian is playing mind games for the cause of “Islamophobia” while the government is determined to increase hatred of religious Muslims is completely out of order.

No wonder many Labour people are so keen on MEND.