antisemitism,  Far Left,  Genocide,  Ken Livingstone

Tony Greenstein’s Sleight of Hand

This is a guest post by Paul Bogdanor

Not long ago, Fathom published my refutation of Ken Livingstone’s antisemitic guru, Lenni Brenner. Tony Greenstein, a founding member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, has twice jumped to Brenner’s defence. His first reply to me can be read here and my rejoinder here. Greenstein has come back for more with an extremely long-winded blog post here. My second rejoinder to him is now available here.

From the introduction:

In his latest interminable response to me, he invokes Moshe Menuhin, a regular contributor to the neo-Nazi press in Germany; the “Information Bulletin” of the Soviet-controlled Israeli Communist Party; and a long-defunct journal published by a group expelled from the same party for being too extreme. None of this should cause surprise. Just as citing a Nazi sympathiser comes naturally to one who treats Adolf Eichmann as a truth-teller, so reliance on Stalinists is only to be expected from a writer for the Communist Party of Great Britain.

From the conclusion:

Greenstein’s tactics of deception include using fabricated quotations, falsifying genuine quotations, citing worthless and lunatic-fringe sources, misrepresenting legitimate sources, denying facts he knows to be true, and asserting facts he knows to be false. And all this, for the same squalid purpose: defaming dead Jews as Holocaust perpetrators, while besmirching millions of living Jews as Nazis.

Some may wonder why I bother with Greenstein. The answer is that his hate propaganda is typical of the material disseminated by BDS obsessives everywhere. He even tries to defend some of the far-left antisemites uncovered in the Corbynite wing of the Labour Party. In my latest response, his repeated use of fabrications and misquotations is exposed for all to see.

(Readers may be interested to note something else: Greenstein’s post attacks Harry’s Place as “the Der Sturmer of the Internet, which specialises in demonising people on the Left like Livingstone and Galloway.”)