Labour Party,  Terrorism

Corbyn called RAF drones an “obscenity”

Jeremy Corbyn has one word for the RAF drones out there killing terrorists – they are an “obscenity”.

See him in this clip from an anti-drone demonstration at RAF Waddington in April 2013.

He says:

We’re here today to say that we don’t agree with these drones. We don’t agree with this obscenity that’s going on before our very eyes here. That’s why just as much as we want to get rid of land mines, small arms, nuclear weapons, we want to get rid of drones as well.

Here too Mr Corbyn is completely out of step even with supporters of his own party. Last month a poll found that no fewer than 60% of Labour voters backed the drone strikes on British terrorists in Syria plotting attacks against us. Only 16% were opposed.

Also, goodness, not even small arms, Mr Corbyn? How shall we defend ourselves, then? Spitting, perhaps?

If you want to see Corbyn’s whole drone tirade, go here. Make the voice a bit younger in your head and it could be a crushing bore of a sixth former going on and on about wars for resources, the RAF firing on mere suspicions rather than a long and complex intelligence chain, and the deep unfairness of killing the enemy without giving him a chance to kill you. It’s not for nothing that Corbyn has been dubbed the 66 year-old teenager.

Oh let’s have some music. Cover your ears and look away, Jeremy. You might get upset.

Per ardua ad astra!