The Left

On why I’m not leaving the left

This is a guest post by Twll Dun

Nick Cohen is in typical excellent form in his recent Spectator piece “Why I am leaving the left”, in which he gives full vent to his disgust at the Labour Party for electing Comrade Corbyn, that champion of thuggish “social justice” movements and apologist for autocrats globally (as long as they face one way, always facing one way).

But – as much as I agree with him on this – I’m not doing it.

I’m not leaving the left or the Labour Party because this is my home. I’m not leaving because this is my turf. I’m not leaving because this is the only feasible vessel for the improvement of my class there is (oh, please, Osborne, please try and rebrand your party as the worker’s party. Try it and watch me laugh). I’m not leaving because I’m not giving up ground to the moral equivators, the “but you have to look at the context” brigade. I’m not leaving because this is a fight that has to be won here. I’m not leaving because democracy needs a healthy left and a healthy right and leaving the hulk of the party to the wreckers and the idiots and the blasé destroys the possibility of that for the foreseeable. I’m not leaving because they don’t get to steal my heritage from me. I’m not leaving because they don’t get to steal my causes from me. I’m not leaving because we need to fightback and win and the fight starts here. I’m not leaving because I was fucking here first. I’m not leaving because fuck you, why should I? You leave, you are the ones betraying principles of solidarity and equality and humanity with your constant pandering to any “anti-imperialist cause” that can give you that frisson of bad boy armed rebellion against the way things are.

I’m not leaving. I’m staying and fighting. And you better get used to it.