
Congressman Brat on “the decline of Western civilization”

Last June I posted about the shocking defeat of rightwing Congressman Eric Cantor– the second most powerful member of the House of Representatives– by even more rightwing political newcomer Dave Brat in the Republican primary in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District.

The Washington Post reported at the time:

A seemingly critical issue for Cantor was immigration. The majority leader had championed a Republican version of the Dream Act, which would enable some undocumented immigrants who entered the country as children to qualify for in-state college tuition rates. Although Cantor never brought the legislation to the House floor, his support for the idea irritated staunch opponents of immigration reform.

Brat went on to beat his Democratic opponent in the heavily-Republican district and is now an official member of the United States Congress– one who does not hesitate to talk like this about illegal immigrants enlisting in the US military to prove their patriotism.

“I wanted to stand up and shout, I mean ISIS is willing to serve in our military as well… What’s going on is the decline of Western civilization at the highest level. I think everybody knows their old Roman history — part of the reason Rome fell is because they started hiring the barbarians, otherwise known as the Germans at the time, to be troops in their own army. And that led to their eventual downfall.”

Forget the fact that immigrants and non-citizens have fought (and died) for the US in every war since the American Revolution. If Congressman Brat really believes what he said, the next logical step for him is to visit the grave of Marine Lance Corporal Jose Gutierrez— and spit on it.