Stateside,  Wingnuttery

“Pandering to idiots”

The good news is that there are still some sane and sensible Republicans.

The bad news is that they tend not to hold elective office anymore.

Talking Points Memo reports:

A former Republican state lawmaker wrote a scathing letter to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday that slammed him for “pandering to idiots” who believe that a planned U.S. military exercise is cover for a forcible takeover of the state.

In a letter obtained by the Dallas Morning News, Todd Smith, who served in the state legislature for 16 years, wrote that he was “livid” about Abbott’s request for the State Guard to monitor the military’s upcoming training exercise, dubbed “Jade Helm 15.”

“I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to those who do,” Smith wrote.

“I am appalled that you would give credence to the nonsense mouthed by those who instead make decisions based on internet or radio shock jock driven hysteria,” he added. “Is there ANYBODY who is going to stand up to this radical nonsense that is cancer on our State and Party?”

But don’t worry, GOP wingnuts: Senator (and presidential candidate) Rand Paul has promised to look into it.

Update: Here are some of the favorite wacko-Right theories on why Obama is allegedly planning a military takeover of Texas.

George Galloway’s friend Alex Jones, who thinks it’s a cover for declaring martial law, seems to have been the first one to jump on the bandwagon. I hope he interviews George about it.

Further update: If Gov. Abbott and other Texans are so worried about a possible military takeover of Texas, perhaps they should demand that all military facilities in the state be moved out.

Or– maybe not.