

Following on the great PR success that was #AskGalloway on Twitter, Falastin News reports:

Hamas media coordinator Taher al-Nunu announced the launch of a weeklong interactive campaign starting Friday on social media outlets under the hashtag #AskHamas.

The campaign aims at answering any questions that might be raised by European communities with the approach of the time limit, on March 18, of the EU appeal of an earlier court ruling calling for the removal of Hamas from EU’s terrorism list.

Nunu said, in a speech during a media workshop on Thursday, that the campaign would primarily target western audiences, especially in the EU.

“It will send messages reflecting Hamas’s opinions and attitudes towards many issues that concern the western people and demonstrate that Hamas is not a terrorist group”, he explained.

The results are everything you might have hoped for, and more.

(Hat tip: JS Rafaeli)

Update: This one made me laugh out loud.