It is hard to imagine an uglier slogan than “je ne suis pas Charlie“.
It amounts to kicking the victims of appalling terrorist murder.
By contrast, the self-styled “anti-fascists” and “anti-racists” of Unite Against Fascism think it’s a great title for one of the sessions at their rally tomorrow.
Je ne suis pas Charlie: incitement of hatred and Islamophobia is not freedom of speech
Chair: Phil Turner NUJ; Nadia Henni-Moulai Journalist, author and Huffington Post columnist (France); Azad Ali MEND; Jude Woodward UAF
Note that the Islamist thug Azad Ali has himself threatened a journalist for his work exposing Ali and other foul extremists in East London.
“Yes, Atif, we’ve got a picture of you and a lot more than you thought we had. We’ve tracked you down to different places. And if people are gonna turn what I’ve just said into a threat, that’s their fault, innit?”
Why doesn’t the UAF rebrand as “Unite for Islamofascism”. That’s a far better description of their shit left politics.