
Sayeeda Warsi resigns

Baroness Warsi has just announced her resignation from the government over its policies on Gaza, even though David Cameron’s statements on Operation Protective Edge have become more critical, and it has recently been announced that arms sales to Israel are being reviewed.

With deep regret I have this morning written to the Prime Minister & tendered my resignation. I can no longer support Govt policy on #Gaza

Some eyebrows were raised a few days ago when she asked for details of protests against Israel’s actions.

If there is a community meeting or protest in relation to #Gaza happening near you I’d like to know, please tweet me the details.

Miriam Shaviv, for example, asked:

@SayeedaWarsi How does this activism fit in with UK government policy, Baroness Warsi?

Gaza aside, I certainly won’t miss her in her role as Minister for Faith and Communities.