
Post: Counterpost

There have been a few lively exchanges between bloggers recently, with posts attracting ripostes offering a different perspective.  James Bloodworth of Left Foot Forward suggests here that ‘new atheists’ attract undue scrutiny when they criticise Islam.  Phil BC  responded in order to suggest that James’s piece ‘lacks the unpardonable N-word: nuance.’

The National Secular Society writes here about the importance of distinguishing between protecting Islam and protecting Muslims.   It asks what Farooq Murad might possibly mean when he suggests the government might do more:

So what exactly is Mr Murad asking from the Government when he criticises it for not doing enough to protect Muslims?

Given that they are protected in every way that every other citizen is, their human rights are as valued as any other person’s living in this country and, in fact, there are extra penalties for crimes that are religiously motivated, what is he expecting the Government to do?

Tell Mama objected to its reliance on Andrew Gilligan (TM has complained to the Press Complaints Commission about his two recent articles critiquing their activities) and published this response.

Finally, aspects of this recent post here on HP, such as its criticism of the group Inspire, prompted a counterblast from the Islamic Far Right in Britain blog.

And who did Inspire invite to speak at their ‘Muslim Women: Pioneering Change in 21st Century Britain’ event at LMC? That dangerous Islamist headcase Usama Hasan! And if I remember rightly, it’s during this talk that Hasan has the nerve to make the argument that covering the hair is not obligatory. Cheeky…little…bugger

You can read the full piece here.