
The “Balfour” conference and the Jewish nation

Existential debates about the future of the Jewish nation have always dressed themselves in respectable ways. The Devil’s greatest trick lies in convincing the world that he does not exist, and so likewise those who wish to threaten the Jewish nation, may do so whilst protesting that they are not all a menace; No, rather it is the Jewish nation which causes the menace initially, and we must protect ourselves accordingly.

This is the mould, into which the clay of antisemitism has been poured by sly and violent, gloved hands, throughout these centuries.

Particular political discussions about Palestine – those wherein one party wishes to strip the Jewish nation of its autonomous state of Israel and relegate Jews to a position where once again their concept of nationhood is just a pang and a yearning for safety, and no longer a secure and protected home – are surely a continuation of this eternal ire against the Jews (an ire which its proponents mistakenly assume to be God-given).

An upcoming conference brings together a man who thinks the Jews will bring the next Holocaust upon themselves (Alan Hart), a man who warns of the Jewish lobby and promotes messages from Holocaust deniers (Stephen Sizer), a woman who commends other women for “getting out of the kitchen” in order to murder Israeli Jews (Maria Holt), and many more besides.

The event is organised by the Hamas-linked PRC, who have previously called upon an antisemitic, neo-fascist Hungarian politician (Kristina Morvai) to join their anti-Israel campaign. The event is hosted by the Quakers, naturally.

The premise of this conference is something to do with trying to get British people to say sorry for the Balfour Declaration, I think, and these people have all sorts of reasons why the establishment of a Jewish state was a sin, of which we must repent.