
Fox News’s Murdochian hypocrisy

Fox News and other rightwing media have been relishing the news that Al Jazeera– which, as we have noted, features the genocidal antisemitic ranting of Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi– has acquired Al Gore’s failed effort at liberal-leaning broadcasting, Current TV.

But on “The Daily Show,” Jon Stewart points out that Rupert Murdoch, chairman of Fox News’s parent company News Corp., happens to own 20 percent of another Arab station, Rotana– which has its own sordid history of screening antisemitic filth.

At least now that the “fair and balanced” gang at Fox News is aware of this hypocritical outrage, they will surely demand an explanation from Murdoch himself– even if he is their boss.

You know, just as Fox Business’s Stuart Varney did when he questioned Murdoch about the News of the World phone-hacking scandal.