Dress Down Friday

Obama’s poetry – the shocking truth

It pains me to be the messenger of news which I know will distress Gene and other supporters of Obama.  But I feel I must share this important information – and insightful literary criticism – from The American Thinker – who has clearly been thinking very hard indeed, and makes a masterful case for seeing cunningly veiled antisemitism in Obama’s sophomore verse:

[B]oth of the poem’s most conspicuous symbols, apes and figs, are mentioned in the Qur’an … In 1981, when Obama submitted this poem, he was plotting his forthcoming summer trip to Pakistan, a Muslim country.  By all accounts, given his education in Indonesia and his choice of friends in America, he was a knowledgeable fellow-traveler in the world of Islam.  By 1981, too, Israel had emerged as a source of evil in the eyes of both radical Muslims and the international left.

Crikey – it’s a good thing this was spotted in time.