
Islam and secular democracy

This promises to be a fascinating event – a presentation about the relationship between Islam and secular democracy from JIMAS’s Manwar Ali. JIMAS is a Muslim charitable and outreach organisation You can read more about them here.

The contact for the event is Tehmina Kazi from British Muslims for Secular Democracy – ‘a group of Muslim democrats of diverse ethnic and social backgrounds, who support a clear separation between religion and the State.’

I hope it goes very well – and discombobulates extremists on both sides in equal measure.

Update: By ‘extremists on both sides’, I don’t mean extreme secular democrats and extreme Islamists.  I mean extreme Islamists who denounce secular democracy and anti-Muslim bigots who refuse to accept that democracy and Islam are compatible in any circumstances.

Hat Tip: Raquel Saraswati

Gene adds: Regardless of what you think of British Muslims for Secular Democracy, you have to give them credit for this 2009 counter-demonstration against Al-Muhajiroun: