As reported here, Jewish and Muslim leaders from around Europe have been meeting in Paris to discuss how to combat extremism and intolerance:
“We must institute a ‘zero tolerance’ policy against religious leaders of any faith who misuse their pulpits to incite religious bigotry,” they said in a declaration.
“We vow to each other to speak out loudly and forcefully against any religious leader who defames those of other faiths, and, if such bigots emerge from within our own communities, to condemn them loudly and clearly.”
However there was also an acknowledgement of more positive interactions between the two faiths:
From Britain, Fiyaz Mughal of the non-profit group Faith Matters and Jewish Volunteering Network official Esmond Rosen presented a booklet on Muslims who saved Jews in the Holocaust.
Both groups have seen a rise in violent attacks as well as legal challenges which threaten traditional religious practices.
Hat tip: Critical Dragon