
A Safe Haven For Syrian Refugees

This is a guest post by Encaustum

It’s hardly news to say that the Turks are displeased with thousands of Syrian refugees flooding into their territory. Indeed, the Syrian army has, apparently chased them to the edges of the border. Ideas have been mooted for a UN force to create a safe haven within Syria, for the refugees. This would protect them, and yet, leave them in their own land. However, Russia and China, who believe that the UN shouldn’t interfere in internal politics, have voted against such a move. It might therefore be considered a pity that no such area already exists. However, one does, and no one is using it. Between the Israeli held Golan Heights, and the rest of Syria, is a narrow patch of land, a De-Militarized Zone (DMZ), known as the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) Zone. Whilst Syrian, the Syrian army is not allowed into the zone (and likewise, the Israeli army too), this being protected by the UN. Around a 1,000 soldiers protect this zone, only allowing Syrian police in.

This area also includes the ruined city of Quneitra, which had once a population of 21,000. As part of a goodwill gesture, the city, which had been captured in 1967, was returned to the Syrians in 1974. However, just before it’s return, most of the city was leveled by the Israelis. There is speculation as to why. One theory is that when POWs came back from Syria, tortured, with tales with others tortured to death, some took it upon themselves to take revenge, by destroying the abandoned city. Whatever, the reason, Assad decided not to rebuild Quneitra, which he regarded as the shame of Syria, but to leave it as a giant museum, as a ruin.

Thus, we have a city, empty, and with the infrastructure, which could house the refugees. Whilst, yes, it does need to be rebuilt, this is a lot quicker than building from scratch, and could also provide employment for the refugees. There is something else too. By rebuilding Quneitra, it would show a great break from the Assad era, and be a slap in the face to the Assad family, who opted not to re-build.
In short, we have an extant UN protected safe zone, and an empty city infrastructure, large enough for most, if not all, the refugees, and an ability to embarrass the Assads to boot. It would be hard to be more perfect! Assad would think twice about attacking UN troops, as that would be a step too far, probably bringing the Russians and Chinese on board with the UN.