
Adam Holland’s back

Adam Holland, whose excellent blog we have linked to and cross-posted from, is promising to come out of relative dormancy. And not a moment too soon.

You can look forward shortly to reading about how a Ron Paul campaign website maintained by his top campaign staff has for several years advertised for sale an edition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Also in the works is a piece about the participation of U.N. Special Rapporteur for Gaza Richard Falk in a sham “tribunal” concerning U.S. and U.K. war crimes. The tribunal was judged by a former attorney whose belief that humans live on Mars (yes — you read that correctly) calls into question not only his sanity, but the sanity of the entire proceeding.

I will also ask how the long-time editor of a mainstream religious magazine called Christian Century came to write for and defend two websites which publish Holocaust denial and pro-Nazi propaganda.

In other words, it will be pretty much business as usual here.

Good news.