Far Right

Lamb and Lynx Turn Out OK (more or less)

Lamb and Lynx are two women who, as teenagers, were induced by their neo Nazi mother to form a band called Prussian Blue, which were toured around Nazi conventions. They achieved a certain international notoriety.

The name “Prussian Blue” was a reference to a theory, popular among Holocaust deniers, that the absence of such a chemical residue, supposedly related to Zyklon B, proved that Jews weren’t murdered with that gas.

They are now grown up.

In college, Lynx was diagnosed with cancer, and suffered from other serious health problems. Lamb suffers from chronic back pain. In connection with these two conditions, they have begun to smoke cannabis, which is permitted in parts of the USA for medicinal purposes.

This is what they’re saying these days:

““I’m not a white nationalist anymore,” Lamb told The Daily in an exclusive interview, the twins’ first in five years. “My sister and I are pretty liberal now.”

“Personally, I love diversity,” Lynx seconded. “I’m stoked that we have so many different cultures. I think it’s amazing and it makes me proud of humanity every day that we have so many different places and people.”

My sister and I were home-schooled,” Lynx pointed out. “We were these country bumpkins. We spent most of our days up on the hill playing with our goats.”

Lamb agreed. “I was just spouting a lot of knowledge that I had no idea what I was saying,” she said

The Daily identifies an element of the “old thinking” in this response:

Impressive as their transformation has been, for instance, their views on World War II still bear traces of the Holocaust denial ideology they were taught as children. For instance, asked whether the Holocaust happened, Lynx replied, “I think certain things happened. I think a lot of the stories got misconstrued. I mean, yeah, Hitler wasn’t the best, but Stalin wasn’t, Churchill wasn’t. I disagree with everybody at that time.”

Although weed did help, apparently Dylan did too:

[T]he girls threw the audience a curve ball — a rendition of Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.”

“Mama, put my guns in the ground,” they sang to a smattering of boos from the crowd of Scandinavian skinheads and other far-right music aficionados. “I can’t use them anymore.”

They knew it was an unorthodox choice. “Oh, our mom warned us,” Lamb recalled. “She said, ‘You know, some people aren’t going to like this — Bob Dylan was a Jew.’”

But the girls, who were then 13 going on 14, were in a rebellious frame of mind. “We just decided to go for it,” Lamb continued. “I mean, if people don’t like the song, don’t f**king go to the show. Don’t listen to my music. Don’t buy my CDs.”

NOTE: This article should not be read as an endorsement, either of smoking pot, or of listening to Bob Dylan