Far Right

Belgium: Vlaams Belang – Amnesty For Nazi Collaborators

Here’s the news from Belgium:

Stefan De Clerck, a Flemish Christian Democrat, has polarised Belgium, fuelling the country’s one year political crisis, by supporting a blanket amnesty for the 56,000 Belgians who were convicted of collaborating with the Nazis after the war.

“Perhaps we should be willing to forget, because it is the past. At some point one has to be adult and be willing to talk about. perhaps to forget, because this is the past,” he said at the weekend.

Around 25,000 Belgian Jews were deported to Auschwitz from the Mechelen army barracks, north of Brussels, after being rounded up by authorities that often enthusiastically collaborated with the Nazis despite strong resistance from Belgium’s people.

Only 1,207 survived and in 2007 the Belgian state apologised for “a collaboration unworthy of a democracy with a policy that was disastrous for the Jewish population”.

The sensitive issue has reignited after the Belgian Senate accepted draft legislation from the far-right Flemish Vlaams Belang party that would grant amnesty to all those who collaborated with the Nazis during the war.

The Vlaams Belang? Introducing legislation to grant amnesty to Nazi collaborators. I’m shocked and stunned. Why would they want to do that?

After all, hasn’t Pamela Geller herself endorsed this party? As “The Jewish Party”, in fact! Didn’t Dewinter visit the Knesset last year? Didn’t he meet with Shas?


I mean, Filip Dewinter, sympathetic to Nazis and Nazi collaborators? An impossibility surely!

Next you’ll be suggesting that he’s a supporter of White Power politics or something.

The only way that this could possibly make sense, would be if Dewinter is a Nazi whose supposed “support” for Israel is little more than displaced hatred of Muslims, combined with a desire to  rid Europe of Jews or something.

And that can’t possibly be true!