Do Something!,  Iran

The SWP Lecture Iranians on Revolution

Iranians who are interested in overthrowing the current theocratic regime but at the same time are stupid, might be interested in paying attention to Alex Callinicos of the Socialist Workers [No Apostrophe] Party (SWP)  who will be speaking at SOAS on Thursday evening. Others, such as myself, might well attend to listen to the speakers from the platform as what the SWP are likely to say will be so ridiculous that it could well be funnier than watching sketches from The Two Ronnies on You Tube.

The event, listed on Facebook, is entitled: Lessons of Egypt for Iran: A Socialist Worker Forum and the details are:

07 April · 18:00 – 20:30

School Of Oriental and African Studies, Lecture Hall G2
Thornhaugh Street
London, United Kingdom