As we reported last month, a conspiracy-obsessed Israel hater and antisemite named Jeff Gates offered an intriguing explanation for journalist Jeffrey Goldberg’s visit to Havana to meet with Fidel Castro:
Goldberg reports he was “summoned” to Havana to discuss Castro’s fears of a global nuclear war. After conceding in the interview that the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis “wasn’t worth it,” Castro turned to a theme of topical importance to Tel Aviv, insisting that the Iranian government must understand that Jews “were expelled from their land, persecuted and mistreated all over the world.”
Knowing Cuba’s pre-revolution alliance with Meyer Lansky and other kingpins in Jewish organized crime, one must wonder if this “journalist” was dispatched to commence negotiations for gambling concessions as a means to fill the Castro government’s depleted coffers.
The recent relaxation of restrictions on travel to Cuba may signal a pending return to Cuba’s “glory days” as a nearby haven for organized crime.
Castro’s well-timed comments about persecuted Jews may have been a signal that Cuba is again open for business — any business.
I emailed the link to Goldberg. He has now acknowledged that Gates’s theory is indeed correct and has provided a full account of the events leading to his trip to Cuba.