Anti Fascism

BNP Wants To Abandon Gibraltar

The news has emerged that Nick Griffin attended a fascist rally in Spain, and promised that in the hugely unlikely event that the BNP “took power”, they would abandon Gibraltar.

The BNP would hand the key outpost of Gibraltar to Spain in an astonishing betrayal of its 30,000 British citizens. The move would also deprive the UK of a naval base – defended bitterly for more than 300 years – of huge strategic importance.

Party leader Nick Griffin, elected as an MEP in June, made the offer at a fascist rally in Madrid last week to suck up to European extremists. His bizarre reasoning is that it would help the Spanish combat radicals in nearby northern Africa.

Nothing British reports:

A furious Graham Watson MEP, representative for Gibraltar in the European Parliament, told the Chronicle, “Griffin hoped to make a quiet sop to Spanish extremists, but was exposed by anti-BNP campaigners”.

“Griffin’s words show the complete lack of respect that the BNP hold towards freedom and democracy. Far from defending the British people, he has shown that his party would betray the trust of thousands in order to please his fascist friends,” said Mr Watson.

“As long as the people of Gibraltar wish to remain British citizens, they should be guaranteed protection by the British government. The BNP may wish abandon British subjects, but I will never support it.”

I expect that the BNP thinks of Gibraltarians as ‘dagos’.