Music,  Religion

Me, Bob & Jesus

After all the discussion about Jews and Jesus, followed by Gene’s shocking news that Bob Dylan had released a Christmas album, I was finally moved to listen to and to review Dylan’s “Holy Trinity” of Slow Train Coming, Saved, and Shot Of Love – the three overtly gospel albums he made following his conversion to born-again Christianity in 1980.

I’ve just published Part 3 in the Arts Section. Followers of my – shall we say “uncompromising” – views on religion may be intrigued to discover that, while few Dylan albums can threaten Desire, Blood On The Tracks and Blonde On Blonde in the top position on my own personal Dylan Hit Parade, these three religious albums surprised me and are now up there with my favourite Dylan albums. I think they represent some of his best work.

If you missed them, and you’re interested to know why I think this, you can check out Part 1 and Part 2 too.