Anti Fascism

Hope Not Hate Internet Meme Thinggy

 From Hope Not Hate

I’m going to cut to the chase. We’ll stop the BNP if enough people turn out and vote. That’s our strategy for today – and I need your help in making this happen.

We’ve just launched a neat tool on the Hope not Hate website which should help us raise awareness about the election – and boost turnout. The tool will make you a personalised poster – your poster reads “I’m XXXXX. I voted for hope and to stop Nick Griffin and the racist BNP.”

You can get your sign here –

Download your sign and take a photo of yourself with it. Then upload it to Facebook, Twitter, or Flickr or email it to all your friends – just send it out to as many people as you can!

If you use Twitter, upload it to Twitpic, then tweet it to #hopenothate and #stopthebnp.

We’re hoping to kick off a bit of a craze here – thousands of people showing their contempt and disdain at the BNP’s politics of hate and division. We’re going to show that we are willing to stand up for Britain. I’ve already made my sign – and we want you to be the next to take part.

If each of us does this we’ll get our message across the Internet in a few hours.

We believe in hope – it’s time to show it.

