Your View

Hope not Hate Says

Earlier this week we launched a petition condemning the BNP’s billboard campaign to whip up interfaith tension. Within hours thousands of people joined us in condemning the BNP’s paper-thin attempt to use Jesus Christ to spread hate and division.

And now we’re going turn their disgraceful tactics against them. The BNP tried to use Jesus in their ads to generate some cheap publicity.

And we’re going to give them that – but instead of the BNP getting a few lousy newspaper stories, we’re going to unite entire communities against their message of hate. We’ve just finished designing a leaflet about the BNP’s billboard that we want to distribute to faith groups across the country. But to do this we need your help – please donate £5 or whatever you can afford now –

We’re hoping to bring in tens of thousands of supporters – and hundreds of thousands of votes – in the next 72 hours. It’s a crucial moment in our campaign.

To pay for this campaign we need to raise £4250 by midnight. We’re at a turning point in our movement – we’re expecting thousands of people to unite against the BNP. Will you donate £5 or whatever you can afford to help us run this campaign?

Yesterday I met with the Reverend Paul Butler, who said that the BNP had given us a “gift.” He said that this issue could rally hundreds of thousands of people of faith to our campaign – building on the strength of Britain’s peaceful and tolerant society. This really could be our most crucial hour against the BNP yet.

Will you give a fiver by midnight tonight to make this happen?

We’re in the process of turning the BNP’s attempt to divide Britiain into a rallying call for hope. But this can only happen with your immediate help. We can’t afford to let this moment pass us by. Please donate £5 or whatever you can afford by 12am tonight.

I know that I ask a lot from our supporters. But this time it’s even more crucial.