
Hope for the future

If there’s a bit of hope for the future in all that’s happened in Israel and Gaza in recent days, perhaps it comes from two clear-eyed Gazan children.

The New York Times reports from Gaza City:

The Nakhala family, which lives next to [Hamas government] compound, was inspecting the damage on Tuesday morning and recounting the utter fear and panic they all felt as the missiles hit.

“We have no shelters in Gaza,” said the father, Osama Nakhala. “Where shall we go? I also have to worry about my mother, who is 80 years old and paralyzed.”

His 13-year-old son, Yousef, was with him. When asked his view of the situation, Yousef took an unusual stand for someone in Gaza, where Israel is being cursed by most everyone. “I blame Hamas. It doesn’t want to recognize Israel. If they did so there could be peace,” he said. “Egypt made a peace treaty with Israel, and nothing is happening to them.”

(Hat tip: Shmuel)

Then there’s this Gazan girl who tragically lost her sister in an Israeli air raid:

(This video was broadcast on Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority TV, so it’s possible the girl was encouraged to say what she said.)

If– despite the endless stream of Jew-hating, martyrdom-encouraging garbage that spews from Hamas-controlled media in Gaza (free registration required), including children’s programs– some youngsters can still grasp who is truly responsible for their plight, then surely others do too. Maybe the difference is that these children are too young to be afraid to say what they think.