A blogger writes in response to George Monbiot ‘s column:
Simon Singh, one of Britain’s best science writers is being sued for daring to mention that chiropractors have little or no evidence that their mumbo jumbo works.
I too have had my fair share of threats from people like the Society of Homeopaths who cannot stand their deluded practices being criticised.
It requires a simple fix to get this right. The burden of proof needs to lie with the claimant. If you want to sue for libel you should have to show that the words were indeed libelous and are malicious and untrue.
Ask your MP where they stand on this issue. The government did promise to sort this mess out. Ask why this is not happening?
Be they wielded by a foreign billionaire, a wacko quack, or an embarrassed terrorist group, the UK’s libel laws damage free speech in the UK.