
40 Years ago Today

Seemingly everybody’s favourite Beatles album was released four decades ago on June 1st 1967. The newspapers are full of reminiscences by those who either remembered the event or discovered the record in the years that followed.

But those who actually played on the record are less caught up in Pepper-mania. Here’s drummer Ringo Starr:

“It served its purpose. But as a musician I preferred Revolver and I preferred the White Album because we were back to being musicians. It was like everybody got their madness out in Sergeant Pepper,”

Ringo’s comments have surfaced just days after it was revealed that his former band mate, Sir Paul McCartney, would not be celebrating Pepper’s 40th anniversary next month, as he’ll be too occupied with the promotion of his new album, Memory Almost Full.

Who’s right? The surviving Beatles or the rest of the world?
