
Platform of the Socialist Workers Party During the First Year of Socialist Construction

The “Platform of the Socialist Workers Party During the First Year of Socialist Construction” (also known as The Glorious Triumphs of Kim Il Cliff) has been doing the rounds on the internet for some months now. As nobody seems to have put it online, I thought I might do so here.

It is now Year One since we overthrew the imperialists, the racists and the Zionists. It is Year One since the first democratic revolution in the whole world since 1917. And it happened under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

The Media

There is only one newspaper in our democratic society. There is only one newspaper needed. It transcends the false consciousness implanted by the old reactionary gutter press. It is dedicated to workers’ democracy and revolutionary solidarity – the principles expounded by Kim Il Cliff!

There are two television channels. They protect the diversity of democratic debate. They are the People’s Democratic Channel and the Democratic People’s Channel. All democratic content is approved by the democratic directors of each democratic channel. They report to the Central Committee. And the Central Committee reports to Kim Il Cliff!


Democratic students paint democratic murals of our democratic leader and his democratic labours for the democratic workers. Each school gives a prize for the most authentic representation of Kim Il Cliff!

No more imperialist, racist and Zionist propaganda towards the young. No more racist and sexist diatribes from Shakespeare or Dickens. Now we teach the working-class literature of Deutscher, Mandel and Callinicos. And the scientific socialism of Kim Il Cliff!

No more fascist cacophonies from Beethoven or Mozart. We have a democratic anthem to celebrate democratic victories. Kronstadt, Kolyma and Katyn. It is the immortal “KKK” March. It is sung after the standard 06:00-18:00, 18:00-00:00 and 00:00-06:00 labour shifts. It is sung in honour of Kim Il Cliff!


This is the first stage of socialist health care. There is just one principle. “From each according to his sickness, to each according to his efforts in overcoming it through his own labour.” We will overcome sickness through labour, under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

Soon we will reach the higher stage of socialism. Hospitals, medicines and treatments will vanish. Sickness itself will be a counterrevolutionary crime. Only the putrid and decaying remnants of the parasitic classes will pretend to suffer from it. And they will be no match for Kim Il Cliff!


On the first day after the democratic masses achieved democratic control, the Central Committee of the Party democratically approved a new offence of “crimes against the democratic working class.” The penalty was severe and irreversible punishment – by democratic methods of annihilation. All under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

On the second day after the democratic masses achieved democratic control, the Central Committee members who had voted “No” in the first day’s vote were democratically judged by a democratic tribunal. Humbly and democratically they confessed their lies, treachery and cowardice before the democratic working masses. And they were severely and irreversibly punished by the same democratic methods. All under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

In our first year of democratically leading the people, we identified 100,000 capitalist insects and 200,000 imperialist microbes. All were severely and irreversibly punished by democratic methods. In the our second democratic year we plan to find at least 1,000,000 class enemies. They too will be severely and irreversibly punished by democratic methods. But only under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

All democratic workers are urged to report speculators, CIA agents and Zionists. The Cliff-Callinicos Medal will be awarded to anyone who names ten speculators, CIA agents and Zionists. The people will be especially grateful to those, most of all children, who overcome the bourgeois sentimentality of “family” ties in order to uncover maggots’ nests of traitors within their own residential units. All will be severely and irreversibly punished by democratic methods, under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!


All other parties are imperialist, racist and Zionist. All members of imperialist, racist and Zionist factions, along with their corrupt and deviationist families, must be severely and irreversibly punished by democratic methods. Their ill-gotten parasitic gains, which they will no longer be able to exploit, must be handed over to the dispossessed masses. Decisively and democratically, but only under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

Following the historically progressive example of the Paris Commune, all positions will be subject to democratic election. All officials will be subject to immediate democratic recall. But imperialists, racists and Zionists will still need to be exposed. So all democratic elections will be held openly and without bourgeois secrecy. And all of it under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

All Central Committee positions are now held by the children or brothers of Kim Il Cliff. Or the children of the brothers of Kim Il Cliff. Everyone has been elected, and everyone can be recalled, under the wise supervision of Kim Il Cliff!

Our class enemies want to overthrow Kim Il Cliff. They exploit the fascist slogan of “freedom of choice” to undermine Kim Il Cliff. But the slogans of the oppressor no longer outweigh the struggles of the oppressed, and that is the achievement of Kim Il Cliff!

Smash imperialism! Smash racism! Smash Zionism!
And above all, smash the enemies of Kim Il Cliff!

Lev Davidovich Brontosaurus,
Central Committee of the Socialist Workers Party, UK