

Caitlin “Naked Citoy” Moran discusses a new phenomenon, which she terms “Schadenblogging“:

“…the logical technological progression from “Schadengoogling”, where one Googles to discover embarrassing, disdainful and otherwise gratifying pieces of information about an enemy. With the Schadenblog, one — fairly obviously — surfs the internet to read the online diary of a hated one. Traditionally, one Schadenblogs a few drinks to the good, and with a friend on hand to whom one can repeat choice quotes. Other Schadenbloggers prefer to indulge in company time, merely forwarding the link to everyone they know in an e-mail entitled “Look what the loathsome, joyless freakbag has done now”. “

Readers of Harry’s Place will remember that in July, ever ahead of the trend, we were Schadenblogging the tragic plight of SWP blogger, “Lenin”. Lenin, you will recall, pissed himself while choking on a bacon burger and had to be rescued by a policeman.

Ah, Schadenblogging.