Mr. Milne:
I maintain a blog called the Daily Ablution, which frequently takes an interest in matters raised by the Guardian.
As you may be aware, there’s been a bit of a stir raised by “sassy” Guardian trainee Dilpazier Aslam and his article published Wednesday
Apparently, Mr. Aslam is, or was intil very recently, a member of Hizb Ut Tahrir – an organisation which, according to the BBC “promotes racism and anti-Semitic hatred, calls suicide bombers martyrs, and urges Muslims to kill Jewish people.”
Here’s some futher information:
My readers are interested in knowing whether Guardian newspapers were aware of Mr. Aslam’s affiliations before he was hired.
If so, one wonders whether it is standard Guardian policy to employ members of extremist organisations like Hizb Ut Tahrir (which was described in a Guardian article of November 11, 2004 as “Britain’s most radical Islamic group”). The question is raised as to whether you would hire, and provide a forum for, a known member of an international group of right-wing extremists who expressed similar views.
If not, one wonders, first about your screening procedures, and secondly whether Mr. Aslam will remain employed by the Guardian now that you are aware of his affiliations.
Thanks very much for your attention.
Scott Burgess
The Daily Ablution
Any response may be posted