Next door neighbour Norman Geras gets a story about him in this week’s Sunday Times.
Stephen Pollard, David Blunkett’s biographer and another avid blogger, describes him as “unmissable”. Andrew Sullivan, The Sunday Times’s columnist in Washington, said: “He’s fearless, intellectually honest and actually cares about democracy in Iraq and the degeneracy of the Euro-left.
“The medium of blog has made his ideas transmissible across the Atlantic. He’s a genuine man of the left, which means he barely recognises the quislings and cynics who now make up much of it.”
Harry adds: The tone of the article is not unfamilar – it is that there is something extraordinary about a man of the left being supportive of the removal of Saddam’s dictatorship.
Eric has some thoughts about this and the ‘neo-con’ label that is half-attached to Norm in the piece. There is also a hilarious quote from a Stop the War spokesman.
Gene adds: Perhaps some of our readers could write to The Sunday Times and explain that not everyone on “the British left has turned on Geras.”