
Fahrenheit’s overhype

One more thought— from The New Republic’s Michelle Cottle– on Fahrenheit 9/11. It made her list of The Top Five Stories We All Should Have Paid Much Less Attention To in 2004:

The anti-Bush polemic made a huge splash with lefties, thrilled the Europeans, and had absolutely no impact on the average American’s view of George W.–and even less on the presidential race. Granted, the film was better produced and infinitely more profitable than the spate of pro-Bush “documentaries” that followed. But it’s not like this was a defining moment in our nation’s political education or cultural development. The idea that Moore is now some sort of poster boy for the fighting left should make the Democratic Party deeply anxious.

Yep. And looking at the Harry’s Place archives, I find I was as guilty as anyone in overhyping the movie– even if mostly in negative terms. For a brief moment, I even took seriously a report that Fahrenheit might actually help defeat Bush. I wonder how many of those who wildly overestimated the movie’s impact on the election have acknowledged how wrong they were.

I suppose some Moore fans will insist the Democrats would have done even worse in the recent election if not for the film. I don’t buy it. If anything, I suspect the identification of Moore with the Democrats was a net minus for the party.

For American liberals, Moore is like cheap wine: good for some easy laughs, but sure to leave a nasty hangover on Election Day.