Dress Down Friday

Warning Bare Breasts May Damage Your Health

Your favourite Where There’s Blame, There’s a Claim story:

Here is one from yesterday’s American papers to start things off:

A Knoxville woman filed a proposed class action lawsuit Wednesday against Janet Jackson, Justin Timberlake, MTV, CBS and Viacom, contending she and other viewers were injured by their lewd actions during the Super Bowl halftime show.

Terri Carlin filed her lawsuit “on behalf of all Americans who watched the halftime show” in federal court in Knoxville.

The lawsuit stems from Sunday’s now infamous exposure of one of Jackson’s breasts when Timberlake ripped off part of her costume during their performance on the CBS network.

……..”As a direct and proximate result of the broadcast of the acts, (Carlin) and millions of others saw the acts and were caused to suffer outrage, anger, embarrassment and serious injury,” the lawsuit filed by Knoxville attorney Wayne A. Ritchie II states.