There is something both appealing and slightly creepy about the Karma Army.
The Guardian reports it like this: (scroll down to D’you wanna be in my gang? )
The Join Me website suggests that you could pay for the cup of tea ordered by the person in the queue in front of you in a cafe, or deliver a beer to a parched soul on the beach. Other members of the “Karma Army”, as they are now known, have got up early to clean neighbours’ cars, rescued footballs from trees, given cricket bats to hotel porters and committed various other small acts of generosity to gladden the heart. “It’s not about changing the world,” insists Wallace. “It’s about creating 10 seconds of happiness for someone, and then moving on.”
An admirable sentiment perhaps, but those of us with a bleaker view of humanity must ask the question: is the Karma Army a cult, a collective or – given that Wallace is a journalist and co-writer of the Are You Dave Gorman? show – an unwitting part of a high-concept comedy project?
Have a look at their website Join Me and make your own mind up. Is people being nice to each other really so wierd?