

It seems likely that I will be shortly introducing a talented political cartoonist to the blog, something which I suspect would be a first, certainly for a British weblog. Now the problem is that I have this talented chap offering his services but I have no way to post images here. I think I need to leave blogspot and move this site over to it’s own server.

I will need nice, easy-to-use software that I can access anywhere in order to post to the blog. I have noticed a lot of people going over to Movable Type, but to be honest nearly all the sites now look very similar to each other which I think is a bit dull. I am sure there is a way of personalising MT but I guess you need to know quite a bit about template design which I don’t. Just on the off chance that any regular reader happens to be a techy – could anyone offer a suggestion, or even better give me a hand? Drop me an email (the addy is on the left) if you think you can help.